

Colorado’s Medicaid Disenrollments Draw Criticism

According to research done by KFF, a national health issues newsroom, and as reported by The Colorado Sun news outlet, Colorado stands out among the 10 states that have disenrolled the highest share of Medicaid beneficiaries since the pandemic-era restrictions on removing people from the health insurance program have been lifted.

What Coloradans Should Know about Medicare’s “Lifetime Reserve Days”

One of the lesser known benefits available with Original Medicare is something called “lifetime reserve days.” The Index of Topics in the front of the 2024 “Medicare & You” consumer booklet does not include a line item for “Reserve Days,” but the subject is briefly mentioned in the booklet’s text discussing Part A covered services. Though not a prominently promoted benefit, reserve days are an important topic to understand.

Changes Beginning in 2024 Could Mean More Mental Health Coverage for Coloradans on Medicare

As of January 1, 2024, changes have been made to the Medicare program that are designed to allow healthcare providers to serve more patients needing to access mental health services. Before 2024, only advanced social workers were eligible to bill for Medicare insurance. Now, licensed clinical professional counselors and licensed clinical marriage and family therapists are eligible to bill Medicare for their clients. More than 65 million Americans currently rely on Medicare for their healthcare coverage.

Help Ease Your Mind With Great Insights and Updates on Medicare 2023 and 2024

Chaundra Price of Medicare Teachers explains Medicare’s many facets, what to look for when you’re shopping for a Medicare plan, clearing up some of the common misunderstandings, while helping you make more informed decisions when choosing your plan. She reminds us all of the potential pitfalls of calling those numbers on the TV screen being pitched by celebrities.
Brought to you by AgeWise Colorado–your free to use source of great information and vetted service providers like Chaundra.

Colorado Medicaid for Seniors: How to Qualify, Rules, and Helpful Strategies

While virtually everyone knows Medicare is the federal government’s health insurance program for adults age 65 and older, that is not the only such government-sponsored insurance seniors can utilize. There is also Medicaid, a healthcare program targeted to low-income individuals. In Colorado this is called Health First Colorado.

When Medicare Covers In-Home Care for Coloradans Aging in Place

For Coloradans who are aging in place, they may at times have need for medical services provided in the home. Since it is commonly understood that “home health care” is not something Medicare covers generally, that leaves a question of whether or not Medicare will ever pay for in-home services. The answer is Yes — but with qualifiers, as you might expect. In this article we will cover the key things to know, including who can qualify for paid services and under what conditions.

Colorado’s Medicaid Program May Demand Recovery of Costs It Has Paid

In what can hit some surviving family members or other heirs as a rude awakening, state Medicaid programs like Health First Colorado are required by federal law to recover certain Medicaid benefits paid on behalf of a senior Medicaid enrollee. The program typically does this by filing a claim against the estate of the enrollee after they die. This is formally known as the Medicaid Estate Recovery Program (MERP).

Colorado Medicaid Eligibility Review Could Affect Thousands

If you receive health care coverage in Colorado through Medicaid, you might be at risk of losing it in the coming months. States across the country have begun checking everyone’s Medicaid eligibility as the federal response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to unwind. Approximately 10 states have begun removing people

Medicaid Benefits for Older Coloradans

The combination of pandemic impacts, high inflation, and disruptions in people’s livelihoods has put many older Coloradans at risk of being unable to cover their medical expenses. This is particularly true for those who have not yet reached the age of eligibility for Medicare. Read more …

Over Age 60? Don’t miss out on the financial assistance meant for you!

Kaiser Health News, AARP, and the National Council on Aging have all recently noted examples of how America’s older adults are leaving money on the table by not claiming financial assistance they are entitled to. This help is available to pay for things such as Medicare premiums, prescription drugs, taxes,

Medicare–What You Need to Know Before Deciding on a Plan

Learn how best to respond to the Medicare Celebrity TV Commercials; Learn about Medicare fraud and how to report it. Learn the basics of Medicare and where to get free help in signing up, understanding the different plans–from our experts.

Recent Prominent Medicare Fraud Alerts

Senior Medicare Patrols (SMP) are projects that provide resources and counseling to help counter Medicare fraud, correct errors, and respond to abuse. SMPs help educate and empower Medicare beneficiaries in the fight against health care fraud. Your SMP can help you with your questions, concerns, or complaints about potential fraud

Protecting Yourself from Medicare Fraud

Senior Medicare Patrols (SMP) are projects that provide resources and counseling to help counter Medicare fraud, correct errors, and respond to abuse. SMPs help educate and empower Medicare beneficiaries in the fight against health care fraud. SMPs have, for instance, recently sent out alerts specific to COVID-19 vaccine and testing

The Basics of Medicare

Attention older adults!  Did you know open enrollment starts October 15th. Now is the time to evaluate your current health and identify if you will need more services in the year ahead. If you have been putting off healthcare because of the pandemic, your medical coverage is even more crucial. 

Service Areas Details:

  • Boulder County and City of Boulder
  • Central Mountains: Chaffee, Custer, Fremont, Lake
  • City and County of Denver
  • City of Aurora
  • Colorado Springs Metro area: Counties of El Paso, Park, Teller
  • Denver Metro area: Counties of Adams, Arapahoe, Broomfield, Clear Creek, Denver, Douglas, Gilpin, Jefferson
  • Eastern Plains: Counties of Cheyenne, Elbert, Kit Carson, Lincoln
  • Larimer County and City of Fort Collins
    Las Animas/ Huerfano: Counties of Huerfano, Las Animas
  • Northeast Colorado: Counties of Logan, Morgan, Phillips, Sedgwick, Washington, Yuma
  • Northwest: Counties of Garfield, Mesa, Moffat, Rio Blanco, Routt
  • Pueblo County and City of Pueblo
  • San Juan Region: Counties of Archuleta, Dolores, La Plata, Montezuma, San Juan
  • South Central Colorado: Counties of Alamosa, Conejos, Costilla, Mineral, Rio Grande, Saguache
  • Southeast Colorado: Baca, Bent, Crowley, Kiowa, Prowers, Otero
  • Summit Region: Counties of Eagle, Grand, Jackson, Pitkin, Summit
  • Weld County
  • West Central: Counties of Delta, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Montrose, Ouray, San Miguel