Denver Inner City Parish Seniors Program offers support to seniors 60+ who live within 5 miles of our location in central Denver. We provide food boxes that are delivered to our participants home twice a month as well as an in person food pantry available from 9am-12p on site on Saturdays. The Parish provides activities and social outings as well as educational classes Wednesday – Friday from 1030a-130p and will provide transportation to any participant that is need of a ride. We also provide one-on-one transportation to medical appointments, to pick up medications or for other important necessary appointments on Mondays and Tuesdays. Hot meals are provided by Volunteers of America at 1130 on Thursdays and Fridays. There is no income qualification to join the program.
Denver Inner City Parish has served older adults since the 1970’s and currently offers help and resources to 140 people in the Denver area. In addition to the Seniors Program, we run a mobile pantry open to all ages, a senior mobile pantry at specific high rises in the city as well as the in person pantry on Saturday mornings. We also serve as a mailing address for unhoused, provide RTD bus passes, EOC aid and diaper distribution to clients of all ages.