The El Paso County Pikes Peak Elder Abuse Coalition (PPEAC)
Created to empower and educate our community, older adults and caregivers. Our main functions are to provide information on services, policies and trainings for preventing mistreatment of elders. Mistreatment of elders appears in many different forms, including physical abuse, emotional abuse, undue influence, sexual abuse or exploitation, financial exploitation, denial of critical care and self-neglect.
Or Mission is to facilitate community collaboration of services for the elderly (70+) and at-risk adults in the Pikes Peak Region. The PPEAC will focus on the health and welfare of elder and at-risk adults, in addition to education and awareness of mistreatment in the Pikes Peak region.
Adult Abuse or Neglect Intake Line:
Monitored from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday, closed holidays
(719) 444-5755
Veteran Services (PACT Act)
The El Paso County Veterans Service Office is responsible for assisting residents of the State of Colorado who served honorably in the United States Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, Coast Guard or any other armed service of the nation.
El Paso County Division of Veteran Services implements the PACT Act Stand Down Program to provide new and streamlined services to the veteran community. The Pikes Peak region is home to nearly 100,000 veterans and their families. El Paso County is committed to providing quality services and resources to the veteran community.