Senior Eligible Services
Seniors over the age of 60 can be verified to receive services through discounted ParaTransit services, free bus rides, and pick up at your home to bring you to the Senior Center for lunch. To become eligible, click on the link below, fill out the form, and email or send the form to our offices to process you on the list.
Para Transit/Dial-A-Ride Service
Paratransit services are available for persons unable to reach a bus stop or with medical issues that keep them from using the Fixed Route System. To make a reservation you must call 970-264-2250 at least 24 hours in advance.
Please leave your name, address and phone number, and the date and time the service is needed. You will receive a confirmation phone call stating time of pickup. This service is available to those requiring non-emergent medical transportation. All others please use the Fixed Route System.
Cost per ride for verified seniors is $4.00 one-way in town, $8.00 one-way in surrounding areas.
Cost per ride for non-seniors is $8.00 one-way in town, $16.00 one-way in surrounding areas.
Call to see if your area is serviceable.