At DPL, we view age as a gift. We support the many older adults who have the time and emotional space to engage in lifelong learning, creative endeavors, and community connections.
At the same time, we recognize and address the real challenges people face as they age, including social isolation, homelessness, financial insecurity, dementia, and declining health.
The older adults we serve are as diverse as the population of Denver itself. DPL’s Older Adult Services welcomes and supports all older adults, in all of their circumstances and identities, in all of their hopes and dreams for the best quality of life possible.
Books, Cultural Inclusivity, Library Events, Older Adults
Library Events, Older Adults
Memory Cafes Bring Joy to People Living With Dementia
Books, Movies, Older Adults
The Legacy of Martha Graham, “Dancer of the Century”
Library Events, Older Adults
The Benefits of Mindfulness for Older Adults