Routt County Public Health provides a wide range of Public Health services to Routt County residents and, in some programs, the region. Economic, geographic, and social circumstances all impact our long-term health outcomes, and achieving health equity is a public health priority.
Public Health Services include:
- COVID-19 Vaccinations
- COVID-19 Resources
- Influenza (Flu) Vaccinations
- Mpox Virus (MPV) Vaccinations and Information
- Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program
- Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE)‘s Free At-home STI Testing Program
- School and Child Care Lead Testing Program Resources
- TB Testing
- Please call for more information
- Harm Reduction Kits
- Available free-of-cost at the Routt County Public Health office
- Include nasal naloxone, fentanyl test strips and information about how to use them
- OpiRescue: A free smartphone app that helps first responders recognize overdoses, reverse them with naloxone, and report them.
- Health Education