The State Unit on Aging oversees programs funded by the federal Older Americans Act and State Funding for Senior Services. The unit provides assistance and funding to 16 local Area Agencies on Aging to provide community-based services to seniors age 60 years and older and caregivers.
Learn more about programs managed through State Unit on Aging at our website.
Our services include:
- Aging and Disability Resources for Colorado (ADRC) is a visible and trusted source of information on the full range of long-term services and support options available to older adults, including:
- Assisting individuals in planning for their future long-term service and support needs
- Providing options counseling in a person-centered, interactive decision-support process
- Providing coordinated and streamlined access to information and assistance
- Providing personalized and consumer-friendly assistance to empower individuals to make informed decisions
Call ADRC at 1.844.COL.ADRC (1.844.265.2372) to learn more, or contact your local Area Agency on Aging office.
- Caregiver Support The goal of the NFCSP is to provide services to caregivers providing assistance to older adults, as well as grandparents over age 60 raising grandchildren. Services provided through the NFCSP fall into five categories:
- Information to caregivers about available services
- Assistance to caregivers in gaining access to supportive services
- Individual counseling, organization of support groups, and caregiver training to assist the caregivers in making decisions and solving problems relating to their caregiving roles
- Respite care to enable caregivers to be temporarily relieved from their caregiving responsibilities
- Supplemental services, on a limited basis, to complement the assistance provided by caregivers, including:
- Home modifications
- Assistive technologies
- Emergency response systems
- Equipment/supplies
If you are a caregiver who wants to learn more about how the NFCSP can help you, contact your local Area Agency on Aging or call 303.866.2800 or 1.888.866.4243.
- Legal Services The overarching goals of the Older Americans Act (OAA) are the protection and enhancement of the autonomy, dignity, financial security, health and rights of older Americans. Colorado’s Legal Assistance Program assists older people with:
- Understanding legal rights
- Exercising choices
- Benefiting from services, opportunities and entitlements
- Protecting rights promised and provided by law
- Ensuring access to the system of justice by offering advocacy, advice and representation Services are targeted to adults age 60 and older with the greatest economic and/or social need. Legal services are provided free of charge. To learn more about Legal Assistance, call your local Area Agency on Aging and ask to speak with the local legal assistance provider.
- Long Term Care Ombudsman Program The Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program assists residents of licensed long-term care facilities in protecting their health, safety, welfare and rights. For more detailed information:
- Nutrition Services Nutrition services are a vital component to helping Colorado seniors stay independent and healthy. Good nutrition can support active aging, and poor nutrition can impair quality of life. Colorado nutrition services for older adults include:
- Congregate meals
- Home-delivered meals
- Nutrition screening, education, and counseling
- Physical activity
Contact your local Area Agency on Aging to take advantage of nutrition services in Colorado.
- The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) became a national program under the Older Americans Act in 1973.
SCSEP participants are provided a minimum wage while learning new skills and improving their opportunity to become employed. Employment training takes place at nonprofit and government agencies such as libraries, senior centers, schools and parks. Participants help community organizations expand their service capacity while developing their job skills, self-confidence and a restored sense of self-worth.
Program eligibility
To participate in SCSEP, a person must be:
- Age 55 or older
- Legally eligible to work in the U.S.
- Living in a household with income of no more than 125 percent of the federal poverty level
Priority enrollment is available to those who meet these criteria:
- Age 65 years or older
- Have a disability
- Limited English proficiency or low literacy skills
- Reside in a rural area
- Veterans
- Have low employment prospects
- Are homeless or at risk of homelessness
For more information about SCSEP and to apply, contact the U.S. Department of Labor or call 877.US2.JOBS (877.872.5627)
7. Support services provides the following services to allow older adults to maintain independence in the community:
- Transportation
- Outreach:
- Information and assistance
- Care coordination
- In-home services
- Home health care
- Friendly visitors and telephone reassurance:
Contact your local Area Agency on Aging to take advantage of support services in Colorado.